

Frequently Asked Questions

请继续阅读下面的内容,以找到有关捐赠给劳伦斯理工学院的常见问题的答案. If you don’t find the answer you’re looking for, use our contact form 慈善和校友参与团队的人会很乐意帮助你. Thank you for your interest in investing in the future of 利记sbo students!

As a private university, 我们不像密歇根州的公立大学那样得到补贴. 因此,我们唯一的收入来源是学生入学和慈善事业. The cost of a college education continues to rise nationally, 随着机构努力跟上不断发展的技术和学生的需求. 避免将这些增加的成本转嫁给学生及其家庭的唯一方法是向校友筹集资金, corporations and foundations, faculty and staff, and other friends of the university.

对我们来说最重要的是有多少捐助者支持我们的使命. 礼物的价值在于制作它的精神,而不是数量. What constitutes a “significant” gift is relative to each individual, 但每一笔捐款都是对利记sbo使命和价值观的信任.

When alumni give back to their alma mater, 这表明他们重视自己的学位,并认为这所学校值得支持. This factors into national rankings such as U.S. News & World Report, and the Princeton Review. When these rankings increase, 它提高了你的大学的形象,使你已经获得的学位更有价值,更有市场!

The Blue Devil experience is about much more than just going to class. Additional donations support the programs, facilities, and services that benefit all students when tuition dollars “run out”. The annual fund, for example, 支持学校最迫切的需求——从维持照明到吸引最优秀的教师到提供学生奖学金.

利记sbo尽一切可能的努力实施成本节约措施和防止学费上涨, 如果没有额外的支持,大学就无法继续发展和发展,以保持竞争力,并提供雇主认为有价值的学位.

我们可以共同建设一个更好的利记sbo,而不把负担转嫁给学生. 你们可以帮助打破不断增加的学生贷款债务的循环,并确保后代不必面临你们可能经历过的同样的挑战.

Your gift to any area on campus is appreciated by the 利记sbo community. To support 利记sbo’s top priorities, 我们希望您能考虑将您的捐赠指定给利记sbo奖学金基金或未来创新者紧急奖学金基金. 您对其中一个基金的捐赠将有助于满足不断增加的入学需求,并使每个学生更容易获得利记sbo的教育. 

如果你仍然不确定你想把你的礼物分配到哪里,我们鼓励你 contact us.

If you don’t see what you’re looking for, 从指定部分选择“其他”,并在打开的文本框中键入您要查找的基金. We will locate the fund you are looking for.

Yes, 在利记sbo的网站上捐赠总是安全的(注意我们每个捐赠页面的URL前都有“http”). 付款信息不被存储,除非是经常性的礼品注册.

Yes, you will receive a gift receipt for every transaction. If making your gift online, 您的收据将包含在通知您付款已成功处理的电子邮件中. If making your gift via a check and sending by U.S. mail, you will receive a receipt in the mail.

如果您收到的礼品收据上的信息不准确,请与先进服务联系 giving@jhhnyb.com or 248.204.2308. We will issue a new gift receipt immediately.

We do offer recurring giving options. Donors have the option to schedule payments monthly or quarterly using our online giving site. Unless we are notified otherwise, 付款将继续,直到您的承诺已完成或您的卡到期或更改. 如果由于信用卡问题导致付款无法处理,您将收到利记sbo的电子邮件通知. Please contact us if you would like to cancel or reschedule an upcoming payment. 如果您需要更新您的信用卡信息,请直接致电248与我们联系.204.2308—never send this information via unsecured e-mail.

许多公司赞助对高等教育机构和其他非营利组织的捐赠. 公司配对礼品提供双倍(有时甚至是三倍)赠予利记sbo的机会, and some companies also match gifts made by spouses and retirees.

To learn if your company is a matching gift please visit our Matching Gift searchable database 网页搜索你的公司,和/或查询你的人力资源部门.

You do have the option to make your gift as an anonymous donor. 在网上制作礼物时,一定要勾选“我希望这份礼物保持匿名”. You will still receive a gift receipt for tax purposes.

We do offer memorial or tribute gift options. When making your gift via our online form, 你将有机会把你的礼物送给一个特别的人. 请记得包括姓名和地址,如果你想让我们通知某人你的敬意.

All gifts received via U.S. 邮件必须在12月31日之前盖上邮戳,才能计算当前纳税年度. Online gifts must be completed by midnight central time on December 31. Stock transfers must be fully executed by December 31.

Our fiscal year runs July 1 through June 30.

Faculty and Staff Campaign FAQ

最好的回馈方式之一是通过工资扣除,你可以快速而轻松地注册 using our online form. You can also give back by credit/debit card or EFT via the online giving page.  Or, you can choose to download and print a gift form PDF  and return it via campus mail to  Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement  with your cash gift, check made payable to Lawrence Technological University, or payroll deduction authorization. 

The amount you give is completely up to you. You decide the size of your gift according to your own interests, your willingness to give, and your financial capacity. No gift is too small. It is your participation in the campaign that matters most, and small gifts add up to make a big difference!

While every fund is critical and every gift appreciated, we kindly ask you to support our featured fund, the Emergency Scholarships for Future Innovators Fund. 这个奖学金基金将帮助那些目前正在努力支付学费的学生. With your assistance, 他们可以完成他们的学位,使他们的职业梦想成为现实的创新, workforce-ready leaders of the future. 有关您的选择的问题,请联系慈善事业和校友参与 giving@jhhnyb.com .

Yes. 使用方便时,一定要注明每件礼物的数量和名称 online giving form. If using the standard gift form PDF, also available online, 一定要注明每一件礼物的去向和金额.

Lawrence Tech is a 501(c)(3) organization as defined by the IRS. 给劳伦斯科技的慈善捐赠可以从联邦税中扣除. 请向您的专业顾问咨询有关礼品扣除如何影响您的具体税务情况的详细信息.